Political discourse. Trigger language. Cancel culture. Political tribes. Our exposure and experience with this across all media is bad enough at home and outside the workplace.However, when the conversation spills into the workplace, it can feel like a trap. In fact, according to a 2024 HiBob survey, 61% of workers said they think sharing opinions on political issues with coworkers could harm their job and professional relationships, an increase of 11% since the question was last asked in 2023. Obviously, the image of civilized political discussions around the water cooler is turning into a hotbed of anxiety, insecurity, and potential performance issues.
So what is an HR manager to do, or better yet, if you do not have one? First thing is to take responsibility and owners by providing guidance and leadership direction. Especially in an election year with a presidential race that’s sparked particularly high tensions in the US. The good news is that business leaders are aware of the necessity to address the issue. Regardless of the approach — implementing policy changes, creating boundaries or encouraging open dialogue with careful review — the goal is to balance the positive and negative consequences of political discussions between differing points of view while at the same time maintaining a healthy work environment.
“Workplaces are expecting that these conversations will increase over the next few months with the election upon us…so it’s the right time for companies to be investing in the strategies that we think will help prepare leaders and managers on how to navigate these issues,”
Jolen Anderson, chief people and community officer at BetterUp
Here, we explore some of the consequences of talking politics in the workplace and offer suggestions for ensuring that civility prevails:
* Learning Opportunity: Political discussions can increase awareness of issues and help employees gain an understanding of different perspectives.
* Enhanced Engagement: When done respectfully, these discussions can enhance employee engagement and foster a culture of openness and inclusivity.
* Problem-solving: Diverse political viewpoints can contribute to creative problem-solving and innovation.
* Conflict and Tension: Political discussions can lead to conflict, tension, and division among employees, which can negatively impact teamwork and collaboration.
* Discrimination and Harassment: Discussions can sometimes cross the line into discriminatory or harassing behavior, creating a hostile work environment.
* Decreased Productivity: Heated debates can distract employees from their work, leading to decreased productivity.
* Employee Morale: Persistent political debates can lead to low employee morale, particularly if employees feel their views are not respected or feel alienated.
Recommendations for business leaders: Lead the charge
1. Establish Clear Policies
Develop and communicate policies regarding political discussions in the workplace. Clearly outline what is and what is not acceptable behavior and the consequences of violating these guidelines. Stress that these policies must be adhered to at every employee level.
2. Promote Respectful Communication
Demonstrate sincerity in listening and encourage useful, productive communication. Provide training on effective communication skills, including how to engage in difficult conversations respectfully.
3. Create Safe Spaces
Create forums or safe spaces where employees can express their views without fear of retribution. This could be through moderated discussions or employee resource groups (ERGs).
4. Focus on Common Goals
Emphasize common goals and values that unite employees, such as the company’s mission, vision, and objectives. This can help shift the focus from divisive topics to shared interests.
5. Encourage Neutrality
Encourage employees to maintain neutrality and objectivity in professional settings. Remind them that while personal beliefs are respected, the workplace should remain an environment where all employees feel comfortable.
6. Address Conflicts Promptly
Conflicts arising from political discussions should be addressed quickly and fairly. Implement conflict resolution strategies and ensure all sides feel heard and respected.
7. Monitor and Evaluate
Regularly monitor the workplace climate to identify any emerging issues related to political discussions, especially as political ads, events and commentary are on the rise. Conduct surveys or feedback sessions to gauge employee sentiment and adjust policies that are appropriate for the size and culture of your organization.
8. Lead by Example
HR managers and leaders should model appropriate behavior by being aware of their own political discussions or viewpoints at work. This is not to say that political language should be prohibited or stifled, but there should be consistency at every level.
9. Provide Support Resources
Offer resources such as employee assistance programs (EAPs) for employees who may be affected by conflicts or disagreements.
10. Stay Informed
Maintain an awareness of current events and trends that may influence workplace dynamics. Being proactive can help HR managers anticipate and mitigate potential issues.
By implementing these and other strategies, HR managers can foster a respectful environment where employees feel valued, regardless of their political beliefs and can continue to contribute to the growth and success of the organization.
Additional insights:
In the TED Talk A Mutual Space: 3 Ideas for Communicating Across the Political Divide, journalist Isaac Saul explores the simplicity of language choices and how even subtle changes can convey different meanings and reactions. His eye-opening TED presentation can help you and your employees gain a new perspective on how a word or phrase impacts how language is used to promote or provoke an idea or connotation. He acknowledges, “Language choices designed to connect people on all sides of the political spectrum will never be perfect, but we can try our very best,”
Saul points out, it is everyone’s responsibility to be thoughtful in their communication. Creating and maintaining a workplace that acknowledges differences of opinion or point of view as “people who disagree instead of political enemies” takes time and work, but ultimately will lead us out of the political divide and into a more productive workforce.
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